Thursday, June 19, 2008

Setbacks, or are they?

I had serendipitously had the opportunity to meet with an actor today, I was talking with a friend about my idea, when she chimed in and said she had a client in town from LA  and could set up a lunch meeting, I had mixed feelings about this as I am really not prepared to be that deep yet, but I figured I would just do it, and see where it took me... I thought it might be a good contact to have especially with a fat LA rolodex and access to agents, assistants, and such...  we had set a meet & greet lunch for today, and I had started to get a little more nervous, I have tons of ideas on how this business could grow in huge ways, but don't have any plans for getting there yet, just some long term goals, I was beginning to get more worried that I was not prepared for meeting this guy yet...  I got a phone call this morning that we would have to reschedule, there was an issue that popped up with my friend so she couldn't  make the lunch happen today...

I was a little relieved as I didn't yet have my composure , but it has certainly given me something to work on in the evenings.  I need to have my 30 second elevator spiel ready, and my longer plan for actual meetings...

Everything happens for a reason right :)


Sunday, June 15, 2008

positive feedback

I have chatted with a few people about the Star Struck Art idea, so far everyone has had really positive feedback.  I have contacted a few lawyers to see about creating a company, I want to get more feedback before I invest too much into this, but it seems its like a chicken or the egg sense...  If I have a legitimate business created it might be easier to get celebrity people interested in helping, but on the other hand if I don't have celebrity interest the whole thing is bust...

I just got an email back from a friend who is close to a well known musician, it seems there is interest there, so thats a good start... the first few "artists" will be key in deciding the success, Ideally I would want people with great personalities and a knack for wanting to help... Sandra Bullock comes to mind, maybe Drew Barrymore, Matthew McCanaughey...  It has to be fun people kicking it off, so others will follow suit.

Big dreams are the gateway to big things...


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Getting started

I have been been seeking a new business venture for the last year or so,  frustrated by not really getting the ball rolling on any of my ideas I had, I began reading books hoping to glean some insight... everything from Richard Branson's "Just do it" to Deepak Chopra's "Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" in all the texts the same mantra is repeated... "enjoy what your doing as success will follow"  well I like what I am doing right now and am pretty successful, but I want to make a bigger mark.  Since my mother's passing in April, this desire has been reignited.  and I have tried to use the method of positive thinking to help me... at first I really didn't think it would work.  but as time has passed, good things have started to happen... one of the books I read said something to the effect of, "don't worry about the details, your subconscious will be working 24 hours a day for you"  and thats true, opportunities have presented themselves and I have gotten many positive emails.  the real kicker was when I was going though some of my things at my moms house, and I came across the business plan I jotted down for the Celebrity Art Auction.  There it was at the bottom of a box just waiting to be found at that instant, when I needed it most...

So here goes the concept:  
Celebrities, Sports Stars, and other famous people donate art they created to be auctioned off.  the proceeds go to a non-profit foundation that in turn donates to other organizations, or applies the the proceeds to one of the current projects.

its a WIN-WIN scenario, the "artist" donates time and the knowledge that the time spent creating a unique piece of art will go to a good cause, the winning bidder gets a cool, 1 of a kind piece of art and the knowledge his sale price will go to a good cause.

What better business to be in, but one where all involved come away feeling better..

Well I have lots to do if Im going to make this happen... buying was the first step.

will keep everyone updated.
